Rev. Leia Eisenhower
Assemblies of God Ordained Minister
New York - United States
Date of Birth:
April 25, 1974
The Founder
Rev. Leia Eisenhower, also known as Leia Felix in Brazil was raised in a pentecostal family, her parents were both members of the Assemblies of God when she was born. At a very young age, she knew what God wanted her to do as she followed her parents' path to sing and learn the scriptures while she was volunteering to assist at the Sunday bible school at the age of nine.
At the age of twelve, she was part of a group called "Luz do Caminho" where she was helping them with vocal division, she was also part of the Jubal Filarmonic when she played the clarinet for many years.
Leia Felix, it is how she is remembered by her fellow Brazilian churches when she was singing as a worship leader of the "Group Evidencias" a music ministry where she developed her singing ministry throughout the state and country, as a group she was able to record few CD's, and build together with Evidencias team their own record studio. (The first one in her city)
After many years of dedication in the music ministry, she received confirmation from God that her teaching and preaching skills were to be developed as much as her singing. He understood the call and accepted the challenge of moving to a different state and country to continue serving God in a greater capacity.
She worked as a missionary in Central America, South America, and Africa.
In Africa, she was able to participate in the construction of a school and several houses for those in need. (The African project is still ongoing).
For more information and details of her biography, please send us a message through the Contact Us page.
Her calling goes beyond the church walls. Rev. Leia Eisenhower was able to advance her ministry through social media, books, music, pod-cats, and radio shows, and now she is adding to her agenda this beautiful project called Assemblies of God Chapel an Online Church.
Chaplain Eisenhower is currently overseeing 8 squadrons as part of her duties as a Civil Air Patrol Group Chaplain in Long Island, New.
Her written material can be found at Amazon Books: Link Below.
Brazil Before 2000
Lead singer for the Evidencias Worship Ministry
Major Events attended:
*Porto Seguro - Assemblies of God State Convention (twice)
*Vitoria da Conquista - State Convention
*Estado do Espirito Santo - State Convention
Received her Missionary recognition through the AG Mission Secretaries. / Pr. Edmilson Santana (Secretary)
May 2000/2013
USA Ministry -
New Jersey / New York / El Salvador / San Pedro Sula, Onduras
Westbury NY.
Received the Grade of Captain Civil Air Patrol, The Air Force Aux.
January 2014 - Present
US Ministry Recognition:
Ordained Minister by General Council of the Assemblies of God
Military Endorsement as a Chaplain (Assemblies of God)
Hospital Endorsement as a Chaplain (AG)
Professional Development Officer (CAP, Air Force Aux.)
Appointed as the Westhampton Beach CAP Squadron 9th Unit Chaplain.
DSP - Professional Support to adults OPWDD
Stony Brook Emerging Leadership Program - Completed (10/2021)
Suffolk Community College - Associates in Science - Education Faculdade de Theologia Fathr - Bachelors in Theology
Stony Brook University - Master's Degree in Human Services
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary - Master in Divinity
Clinical Pastoral Counseling Program - Student
Association of Christian Counselors - Associate (BCAC)
Assemblies of God - General Council - Chaplain of the Month 11/21-
Recognized by the General Council of AG
10/2021 Launching the Online Mission with over 100 thousand people and counting connected around the globe.
Currently Teaching two certified Emotional Intelligence Courses - ONLINE.